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General Terms
These terms and conditions govern the relationship between members and / or clients of Amarineatelier.com. By clicking on an object, a picture, a link (other than that of the General Terms) or a button located on the website: www.amarineatelier.com, it is considered that you accept or agree to the Terms and Conditions described below.
Amarineatelier.com- "Amarine" LTD., a trade company, duly registered according to the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation, with headquarters and registered office at 1 Adam Mickevich Str., entrance G, 3rd floor, Apartment 10, Burgas, 8001, Bulgaria, UIC 204492152
The website - www.amarineatelier.com owned by Amarine Ltd.
The content has the following definition:
• All information on the website that can be viewed using an electronic device;
• The contents of all emails sent to USER and CUSTOMER by
Amarineatelier.com by electronic means and / or any other means of
• Any other information to a USER or CLIENT received
by an employee of Amarineatelier.com, regardless of the way of
• Information related to products, services and / or fees applied by Amarineatelier.com in a given period;
• Information related to products, services and / or fees applied by
third parties with which Amarineatelier.com has a partnership
established within a certain period;
• Information related to Amarineatelier.com or any information with Amarineatelier.com source.
Service-Ecommerce service performed on publicly accessible parts of the website in order to enable the customer to purchase products and / or services using only electronic means, including means of distance communication (eg telephone, standard letter, internet , e-mail, etc.).
Member - a public or private or legal person who owns or gains access to the CONTENT by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or based on the use of an agreement between Amarineatelier.com and third parties, which requires the creation and use of PROFIL.
Profil - element consisting of an e-mail address and password that allow only one MEMBER to reach limited parts of the website and through which the SERVICES are available.
Client - a public or private or legal person who owns or gains access to the CONTENT or SERVICES after the creation of a MEMBER PROFILE.
Document - Current Terms and Conditions.
Distance sales contract: any contract concluded on the basis of a proposal by the supplier / Amarineatelier.com / to the consumer as part of a system for the sale of goods or the provision of services where, from the date of submission of the offer to the conclusion of the contract, the parties are not in physical contact with each other.
Brochure / Notifications
- Currently, information tools, mainly electronic, related to products,
services at partner sites or promotions offered by Amarineatelier.com
at a certain time, without linking Amarineatelier.com with the
information provided.
Transaction - Collection or recovery of funds resulting from the sale of a product or service by Amarineatelier.com to the CLIENT.
2.1. This Document defines the general terms and conditions under which a Member or a Client may use the Website / Content / Services in the event that no other valid agreement exists between Amarineatelier.com and the Member / Client.
2.2. The use, including but not limited to, access, visit, and review of the Content / Services implies that the Member or the Client adheres to these terms and conditions, except when the content is subject to special terms.
2.3. Access to the Services is possible only through the publicly accessible website www.Amarineatelier.com
2.4. By using the Website / Content / Services, the CLIENT or the CUSTOMER is solely responsible for any consequences arising from such use. In addition, the CLIENT or the CLIENT is responsible for any material, intellectual, electronic or any other damages caused to the Website / Content / Services, Amarineatelier.com or any other person with whom Amarineatelier.com has a contract for joint activity or to provide services under Bulgarian law.
2.5. If the Member or Customer does not agree and / or does not accept and / or cancel their agreement to this document:
2.6. The Customer / Member may at any time agree and accept the document as it is available at that time.
2.7. In order to exercise the right described in Art. 2.5, the Member / Customer may contact Amarineatelier.com or use the Internet links it has received from Amarineatelier.com for this purpose.
2.8. The Client may not withdraw his / her retroactive consent for this document while a contractual relationship is in effect, or until he / she has repaid all the funds due under contract to Amarineatelier.com.
2.9. If the Customer has paid all due funds to Amarineatelier.com and withdraws the consent for this document at the time of the Order, Amarineatelier.com will terminate the order without incurring any additional obligations and without any party being liable for any damages incurred.
2.10. This Website is addressed only to Members who have attained the age of 18 who are duly registered and have not been rejected by Amarineatelier.com, regardless of the reason. Membership means that the Customer / Member is an adult (he / she is 18 years old).
3.1. All
content, including but not limited to static images, dynamic images,
text and / or multimedia content posted on the Website, are owned by
Amarineatelier.com or third parties, in which case the content may be
accompanied by a reference to its property, which Amarineatelier.com is
licensed to use.
3.2.Member or Customer may not copy, transfer, modify or make any alterations, uses, links, exhibits, includes any Content in any context other than Amarineatelier.com, including any content on the Website outside of Amarineatelier.com, removing images, brands, distribution of materials prepared for reproduction, modification or display of content without the explicit consent of Amarineatelier.com.
3.3. Any Content to which a Member or Client has or receives access is protected by the Document unless the content is accompanied by a special and duly granted consent to use between Amarineatelier.com and the Member or the Client or any other party or there is no explicit mention by Amarineatelier.com to the content for use.
3.4. Member or Client may only copy, transfer and / or use the Content for their personal and non-commercial purposes, but only if they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Document.
3.5. If Amarineatelier.com gives a Member or Client the right to use Content under a separate agreement to which the Member / Client has or acquires access other than that described in this document, the right extends only to the content defined in the agreement only while the content is available on the Website or within the period agreed in the Agreement under the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement only if it exists and does not constitute confidential information provided by Amarineatelier.com to that Member, the Client or other third parties
3.6. No Content transferred to a Member or Client through any communication channels (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by a Member or Client by accessing, visiting or viewing it does not constitute a contractual obligation to Amarineatelier.com and / or the employee of Amarineatelier.com, which made the transfer of the content in the cases where it is known and is related to the given content.
3.7. Any use of Content for purposes other than those expressly mentioned in this document or in any other accompanying document, if any, is prohibited.
4.1. Amarineatelier.com publishes on its website its full and accurate identification data as well as the contact details of a Member or a Client.
4.2. By using the contact form provided on the Website, the Member or the Client allows Amarineatelier.com to contact him using the available means, including electronically.
4.3. Partially or completely filling out the contact form does not oblige Amarineatelier.com to contact the Customer or the Customer.
4.4. Access to the website, the use of the information presented, the visit to its pages or the sending of e-mail notifications addressed to Amarineatelier.com shall be done electronically, by telephone or other means available to the Member or the Client, which constitutes a presumption that the Member or the Client agrees to receive notifications from Amarineatelier.com electronically and / or by telephone, including e-mail communications or web site announcements.
4.5. Amarineatelier.com reserves the right not to respond to all requests of any kind received by any means (electronic way, telephone, etc.).
5.1. When a Member or Client creates an Account and accepting the Terms and Conditions, he also agrees by default to receive Brochures and / or Notices from Amarineatelier.com.
5.2. All information received from a Member or Customer in order to send Brochures and / or Notices will be used by Amarineatelier.com within the confidentiality policy frameworks.
5.3. The refusal to receive Brochures and / or Notices by a Member or Customer may be made at any time:
5.4. The refusal to receive Brochures and / or Notifications does not imply that the Customer or the Member rejects, amends or refuses to accept the Document.
5.5. Amarineatelier.com reserves the right to choose to whom to send Brochures and / or Notices and to remove from its database a Member or Customer who has given his / her consent to receive Brochures and / or Notices without any future commitments from Amarineatelier.com or additional notice.
5.6. Amarineatelier.com will not include in the Brochures and / or Notices to a Member or Client any other advertising information relating to third parties not affiliated with Amarineatelier.com at the time of sending the Brochure and / or the Notice.
Amarineatelier.com collects personal data and special information (PIN)
from client accounts on its website, but only with the voluntary
consent of the Member or the Client for the following purposes:
6.2. Amarineatelier.com may collect other data (IP address, visit time, web site, web browser name and version, operating system, including other parameters) without the consent of the Customer or the Member. The web browser through which access is made to the website and can be used by Amarineatelier.com to improve the Services provided to Clients and Members or for statistical purposes; except in cases where the provisions of the Document are violated, if the actions of the Customer / Client are to the detriment of interests or harm to Amarineatelier.com and / or third parties with whom Amarineatelier.com has a joint venture agreement or what and even services at that time.
6.3. The Customer has the right to oppose the collection of personal information and request its deletion, thereby withdrawing its consent with respect to the Document and waiving any rights described therein without any further obligation on either side to the other party and / or without any of the parties to be liable for any damages to the other, but only in compliance with the provision of Art. 2.8.
6.4. In order to exercise its rights under Art. 6.3, the Customer or the Member connects to Amarineatelier.com through the contact details described on the Website at that time.
6.5. By using the website templates, the Customer or the Member has the right to change the data originally provided by him / her to declare a change if such has been done.
6.6. Amarineatelier.com 's privacy policy is based only on information that is voluntarily provided by a Customer or a member only on the Website. Amarineatelier.com is not responsible for the Privacy Policy, practiced and applied by third parties, which can be reached via any Internet connection outside of the Website.
6.7. Amarineatelier.com undertakes to use the collected data only in accordance with the stated purposes and not to entrust, sell, lease, license, transfer, etc. his / her database containing personal and special information about the User / Client of third parties who are not bound to the achievement of the stated goals.
6.8. Except in cases where the transfer / access / examination / other is required by authorized bodies in the cases provided for by the mandatory rules of law in force at the time of the occurrence of the event.
6.9. Amarineatelier.com ensures that User's personal data collected through the contact form will only be used until the communication problem has been resolved and then personal data will remain as a statistical information only.
6.10. Amarineatelier.com is not responsible for any malfunctions that may endanger the security of the server storing the database containing personal information.
VII. Internet sales policy
7.1. Access to Services
7.2. Products and Services
7.3. Validity of the proposal
7.4. Order via Internet
7.5. Order by phone
7.6. Contract and execution
7.7. Delivery and provision of electronic access
7.8. Quality and guarantees
7.9. Return of products
o In the case of return of a product due to one of the ones
referred to in Art. 7.9.1. reasons and the returned product is not in
the state in which it was delivered (in the original package with all
labels attached and with all accompanying documents).
Amarineatelier.com reserves the right not to take back products that by
their nature cannot be returned or subject to rapid deterioration.
• 7.9.5. In the event of a refund of the value of the product, this will be done within 30 days of confirmation of the return.
• 7.9.6. In case of substitution of a product with identical according
to Art., The replacement will be made under the terms and
conditions of a regular order.
• 7.9.7. If Customer returns a
product in accordance with Article, but Amarineatelier.com does
not have an identical product to replace it, Amarineatelier.com
undertakes to pay the customer the value of the product in accordance
with Art. 7.9.5.
• 7.9.8. The cost of additional services,
including, but not limited to, the delivery of products shall be paid by
the Customer.
• 7.9.9. In all cases, the cost of returning,
re-sending is at the expense of the Customer, except in the case of , ,, where Amarineatelier.com will bear the
cost of delivery.
8.1. Amarineatelier.com does not require confidential information, bank
accounts / bank card details or personal passwords from its Clients or
Users via any means of communication (e-mail / telephone / SMS / other).
8.2. Exceptions to Art. 8.1. are only cases where an item has been returned by a customer and the amount has to be refunded.
8.3. The Customer (only and exclusively) has full responsibility for sharing confidential information with third parties.
8.4. Amarineatelier.com assumes no responsibility in the event that
Customer is misled by third parties who represent themselves as
representatives of the interests of Amarineatelier.com.
8.5. Customer is required to inform Amarineatelier.com of such attempts, using the available contact forms.
8.6. Amarineatelier.com does not distribute unsolicited commercial
communications within the meaning of the Electronic Commerce Act. Any
Customer who has explicitly provided an e-mail address to the website
may choose to disable the client account corresponding to that e-mail
8.7. The contacts made by Amarineatelier.com through remote
communication tools (such as e-mail) contain complete and consistent
information about the sender and links to him at the time of sending.
8.8. The following goals, whether achieved or not, will be considered
as an attempt to mislead the Website / Content and / or
Amarineatelier.com and the appropriate legal measures will be taken
against this or those who attempt or have achieved the following
objective (s):
• 8.8.1. access any kind of data to another Customer using an Account or any other method;
• 8.8.2. modification or other modification of the content of the
Website or Content sent in any way by Amarineatelier.com to its Clients;
• 8.8.3. Impact server / server work on the website
• 8.8.4. access or share with third parties who do not properly receive
Content submitted in any way from Amarineatelier.com to Customers when
the content they receive is not their legitimate recipient.
9.1. Amarineatelier.com is not responsible for any physical or legal person using the Content.
9.2. Amarineatelier.com is not responsible for any damages (direct,
indirect, incidental or non-existent) resulting from the use or
inability to use information about the type of content presented on the
Website or about any errors or omissions in Content that can cause harm.
9.3. If a Member or Customer believes that Content sent in any way by
Amarineatelier.com is in violation of any copyright or other right, he /
she may contact Amarineatelier.com through the available contact
details such as Amarineatelier.com to be able to make an informed
9.4. Amarineatelier.com does not guarantee to a Member or
Client access to the Website or to the Services and does not grant the
right to download and partial or full modification, reproduction of the
Content, partially or completely, copying or using Content in any other
way or transferring to third person content to which he / she has / has
acquired / access under the terms of this Document without the express
written permission of Amarineatelier.com.
9.5. Amarineatelier.com is
not responsible for the Content, quality or type of other Internet
sites reached via Internet links from the content of the Website,
regardless of the type of links. The responsibility for these websites
is entirely assumed by their owners.
9.6. Amarineatelier.com assumes
no responsibility in the event of the use of websites and / or content
sent to a Member or Client by any means (electronic, telephone, other),
via websites, e-mail or Amarineatelier.com employees when using of the
content may harm or cause any harm to the Customer / and / or third
parties involved in the transmission of the content.
9.7. Amarineatelier.com offers no direct or indirect guarantees that:
• 9.7.1. the service will meet the requirements of the Customer;
• 9.7.2. the service will be undamaged, secure and free of error.
• 9.7.3.the products / services obtained free of charge or purchased
from the website will satisfy the requirements or expectations of the
9.8. The operators, managers and / or owners of the
website are not responsible in any way for damages that follow from, but
not limited to, acquisitions, special offers, promotions, professional
promotions or other type of connection / transaction / cooperation /
other that may occur between a Customer or a Member and one of those who
directly or indirectly advertise using the Website.
10.1. Except where expressly stated otherwise, any party to a contract
that is still in force shall not be liable for a breach, in whole or in
part, and / or in cases where the obligations are beyond the terms of
the contract if the default of the obligations occurred as a result of
force majeure.
10.2. The legal or legal representative of a person
who relies on force majeure must immediately and exhaustively notify the
other of the occurrence of the occurrence and take measures to prevent
it from limiting its consequences.
10.3. The Party or its legitimate
representative, who relies on the above-mentioned event, is released
only if the occurrence of the event hinders him from performing the
contract in good faith.
10.4. If, within 15 days of the occurrence
of the event, it cannot be overcome, each party shall have the right to
request the other termination of the contract without any party being
liable for damages.
10.5. A party invoking force majeure must prove
its inability to perform its obligations within 30 days of the
occurrence of the event but only within the framework of Article 10.3.
11.1. By using / visiting / viewing / other of any Content sent by
Amarineatelier.com to its Members / Clients, accessible and / or
delivered by any means (electronic / telephone / other), the person
agrees to these General Terms and Conditions.
11.2. Any dispute
relating to these General Terms and Conditions that may occur between
Member / Client and Amarineatelier.com will be resolved by mutual
11.3. Amarineatelier.com is not responsible for any
damages, lost profits, costs, claims or other liabilities if they have
occurred in case of non-observance of these General Terms and
11.4. Any disputes (excluding Article 11.2) that may
arise between Member and Amarineatelier.com or its business partners
will be resolved by mutual consent. If this is not possible, they will
be referred to the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with
Bulgarian law.
11.5. If any of the terms or provisions mentioned
above are or are found to be invalid or invalid for any reason, this
will not affect the validity of the other provisions.
11.6. The document has been prepared and will be interpreted in accordance with Bulgarian law.
12.1. Amarineatelier.com reserves the right to make changes to these
General Terms and Conditions and any changes made to the Website, its
structure and Services, including any changes that might affect the
Website and / or its content without prior notice to Members or
12.2. Amarineatelier.com is not responsible for any
errors that may occur on the web site for any reason, including those
caused by changes, settings, and others not made by the webmaster.
12.3. Amarineatelier.com reserves the right to publish advertising
banners of any kind and / or links to any part of the website in
accordance with the current legislation.
13.1. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding
Amarineatelier.com, please contact us by phone (+359898828289) from
Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 17:00 or by e-mail:
13.2. Any comments, questions, opinions,
ideas, suggestions, or other information concerning the website
www.amarineatelier.com, its functionality or improvements will remain
the property of Amarine Ltd..
1 Adam Mickevich Str., entrance G, 3rd floor, Apartment 10, Burgas, 8001, Bulgaria